Boss Hiscores

overall icon Skills Hiscores overall icon Boss Hiscores

Chambers of Xeric (Olm Only) Hiscores

Rank Username Raid Completions
451 Mr Iron Fat 450
452 Payne 448
453 Wendy10 448
454 Seth 447
455 Lynk 447
456 The Jake 443
457 Jhinhunts 438
458 Valentigna1 436
459 Gim Choccy 435
460 Ansigar 435
461 Magpie 434
462 Soulphase 433
463 Mastax5 432
464 Anita Head 431
465 Korayplays 430
466 Hc Snakeling 429
467 Pakt 427
468 Dogdon 425
469 Lakeport 424
470 Killajeffaa 423
471 Il Ghost 422
472 Thefatguy 420
473 Ace Drop 419
474 Ragnarok 418
475 Im The One 415