Boss Hiscores

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The Corrupted Gauntlet Hiscores

Rank Username Completions
26 Gim Jonesy 432
27 Squanch 427
28 Gim Imp 425
29 Ballsy 424
30 Banifredo 420
31 Dalton 420
32 Jhinhunts 418
33 Doflaming0 411
34 Gain Exp 404
35 Im The One 396
36 Ironman Btw 396
37 Slenderman 396
38 Medium 391
39 Bulma 388
40 Gxpt 387
41 Etc 387
42 Daos 384
43 Dooie 383
44 Noob4life2 380
45 Woh 380
46 Payne 378
47 Green Dragon 376
48 Anita Head 375